Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Love those Perfect Pairings

It seems that in life, we are constantly searching to find the perfect pair. For most of us, this search mainly consists of trying to find the person with whom you can spend the rest of your life with. It’s a search that varies from person to person. Some find it right away; some have to search a little bit longer. There is no secret formula, no map or path laid out before you, it’s just something that falls into your lap, and when it does, the magic that can occur is unlike any other. Two beings, brought together, who once they find each other, can only be seen as one.

On a personal note, I happen to be one of those people whose search is taking a little longer. Now you may be thinking, how is it that I can even talk about this when I am still searching for that person, my perfect pairing if you will? Well even though I am still on the lookout, it doesn’t mean that I can’t appreciate when others’ discover their other half. Over the past few years, many of my dear friends and family have had this wonderful experience, and along the way I have had a front row seat to all of it. Not to mention the privilege I have had in getting to admire the relationships of my parents and grandparents who have all been shining example of how two become one.

So in honor of these perfect unions, I thought I would take a moment to pay homage to foods’ perfect pairings. There are certain foods that come together like a beautiful symphony, creating that perfect combination of flavors, bringing nothing but joy to our taste buds. In fact they are so good together, that they can only be seen as food soul mates.

Here are a few of the classics (both sweet and savory) for your viewing pleasure:

Strawberries and Cream                                   
Salt and Pepper
Peanut Butter and Jelly                                      
Peppers and Onions
Macaroni and Cheese                                       
Potato Chips and Dip
Chocolate and Peanut Butter                             
Prosciutto and Melon
Apples and Cinnamon                                     
Milk and Cookies
Bacon and Eggs
Lamb and Mint
Cookies and Cream
Blueberries and Pancakes
Rice and Beans
Lemon and Lime
Bread and Butter
Hummus and Pitas
Fish and Chips
Oil and Vinegar
Cheese and Crackers
Peas and Carrots
Corn beef and Cabbage
Spaghetti and Meatballs
Tomato and Basil
Mashed Potatoes and Gravy

Please take this moment with me, to appreciate the power of two!


  1. Kierstin, I love this blog of yours!!!! Awesome!!! And now my mouth is watering, I don't know what I want more - tomato and basil saurce or chips and dip! lol

  2. Great blog Kierstin, but you forgot my favorite... chocolate & strawberries.
